Those who dsignate themselves as # Assamese why do they love to call themselves. We believe genuine Assamese society can never fake their identity.
The artificiality of the term "Oboro" mostly used by region media, politiceans, self-glorified ruling intellectuals and forces working against democratic adpirations of the bodos. It is the most racist and divisive word ever been coined in contemporary Assam's political history in order to create sociopolitical unrest in the region.
The majority of bodo people living 60% are outside of BTAD area.
Most of anti bodo obodo people are illegal immegrants of the tribal belts and blocks.
These illegally immigrants non tribal people have no legitimate rights in tribal belts and blocks since they had cheatingly encroached this place illegally from the Sons of the Soil tribal people.
They being the illegal immegrants and encroachers proclaiming themselves to be the majority of this place while demanding the distortion or deduction the various areas from the BTAD area. Until and unless this tribal belts and blocks along with the present BTAD area are made fully free from all such illegal non tribal immegrants, till then no one can assure the full safety and scurity of the tribals or indigenous people's lives.
By any meams till that stage the tribal and the other ethnic communities would definitely have threat to their land rights, property, assets, future generations livelihood as well as their legitimate protections.
The anti bodo 'Obodos' are not only against the bodos or indigenous people but they are future terrorists andbupcoming threats to the Indian national sovereinty also which can not be denied by any security advisor's or intellectuals. At present situationthe live of the bodos and other tribal people in these are as fully in endangered position since at any moment unsocial fronts or the non tribal miscreants could step forward to herm and uproot these indigenous people from their homeland itself.
On 19th January, 2018. The antibodo organisations was bandh call declared the BTAD area protesting the Prime Minister visit to BTAD area. The bandh called activity as communal rivalry which was dine so by called anti bodo "Obodo" organisations who had directly shown their enemity with the Bodo community people.


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